MULTI-CURE "I not only use your product on my poison ivy rashes, but on bug bites, spider bites, and other rashes too. I keep a jar in the refridgerator, available for anyone who needs it!" --Sue, Maine OLD RELIABLE "I have used this product for years, it never fails me!"--Jane, Tenn. LIFE SAVER "You helped or rather SAVED my husband with your fern. As of now my husband is cured and can ride this weekend in the PMC 200mi bike ride (for cancer) which he has spent the last six months raising money and training for, and in two days he was back on his bike."--Caroline, Mass. DOG GONE! "My dog suffered from skin irritations. I visited our vet twice and no luck. I tried NPIR on my dog and within a few days my dog's rash was on it's way to healing and his itching stopped!"--Sonny, Maine MONEY SAVER "I am very allergic to poison ivy and have spent hundreds of dollars every season to treat my rashes with products that don't work. Your product works, it's natural, and it has saved me money, as well as many trips to the doctor's office."--Luba, Maine SWEET RELIEF "I can't thank you enough for the wonderful relief for poison ivy you sent to me. I have been using it now for about 3 years and i can honestly say it really works. My son got poison on his face and I made some sweet fern up and used it on his face and with 24 hours the swelling went down and he could get his eyes open and the itch went away and the next day he said it started to dry up. All the creams they give me will make poison spread on me but when I started using sweet fern I can get rid of it in about 48 hours. Again thank you so much for this wonderful relief." --Monica from Pennsylvania STING NO MORE“My ten year old grand-daughter was a mess with poison ivy, she used your product and it was gone in thirty-six hours. She was most pleased about the fact that your product didn’t sting when applied!” -- Pat B., Maine
PROBLEM SOLVED“I am a commercial truck driver who had poison ivy on my face and eye. My right eye was swollen shut until I used your sweet fern remedy. Twenty-four hours later my face and eye improved and I was able to get in my truck and go back to work.” -- Jim D. , Penn. I'M A BELIEVER!“I just wanted to tell you that your product is amazing! My niece’s 10 yr. old daughter recently got poison ivy for the first time in her life. She was pretty covered with it. We used your product that evening and by morning it was completely gone! Only the worst spot on one leg was visible but that area was soon gone. She stopped itching immediately after we applied it. We used the fern juice on dampened paper towels and laid them over the infected areas of her body. I can't thank you enough for this wonderful product! I'm definitely a firm believer now!” --Tracy, Manchester, Maine SPENT HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS“Thank you so much Harold for marketing this! My son and I are very allergic and have spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on products that don't work, on doctor & emergency room visits, and on steroids! Nothing worked like your product and like everyone else has said, the poison ivy on my son's face cleared up almost overnight, with a little finishing up in the next couple of days. What a difference from the weeks and weeks we've suffered in the past. We were lucky to buy the last box at the store! I plan to stock up every year...THANK YOU!!!!!!!!” -- Luba, Maine MYSTERY RASH "I had a mystery rash that I could not identify on my hands that would not go away. I used your product and the rash was gone within a day. Even though I didn't have poison ivy, it worked great for my skin" --Dan, N.H.
AND MORE... "I had poison ivy on my leg and your product cleared it up in 2 days! THANKS!" --Fern L. – Maine "Thanks for giving my husband the poison ivy relief for me. I was a mess – I had it on my arms, legs, and even in my hair. After putting your product on, it was gone in 36 hours. Thanks again!" --Deb R. – Maine "Saw your product in the health food store and it brought back memories of my grandmother. She always had it on the back of the cookstove for the grandkids to use. It always worked right away." --Donna R. – Maine "Used your great product last weekend. Had been to my doctor twice and it didn’t seem to help much. Used poison ivy relief on my legs and arms over the weekend and it was 90% gone! Sure beats the pink liquid. Thanks much." --Larry W. – Maine "Got your poison ivy relief because my sister and wife had poison ivy. They used it on Friday night and it was gone by Sunday. Thanks!" --Roderick S. – Maine "I purchased your great natural product online and it worked like magic. Please find the enclosed check for another bag so I will have a spare. Thanks!" --Rick S. – Massachusetts "I picked up your product as a last resort because my poison ivy was so bad. I was very pleasantly surprised to find out it worked so fast! I will be getting more to have on hand. Thanks so much!" --Nicole – Maine |